A playful hybrid learning platform 

An interactive platform that assists teachers in assessing each student’s individual progress

Project Status

Feel free to contact us for more information: [email protected]



The Challenge

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of virtual classrooms worldwide. Teachers are now using video conferencing platforms like Zoom to conduct online classes, but they face various challenges in effectively delivering their lessons. Our app provides a solution to these challenges by offering an array of tools and features to make teaching via Zoom easier and more effective

The Solution

A platform that enables the development of a learning habit in both the classroom and the distance learning environment, thereby developing a learning habit for both situations.

The system enables the teacher to create short questionnaires tailored to the lesson as part of the lesson plan – the students will respond to a questionnaire, and the teacher will be able to see the students’ level of understanding of the material and educational progress. The solution benefits both the teacher and the student during the learning process in the following way:

  • Active participation – makes it easier for teachers to keep students engaged
  • Effective teaching – Learning in a playful way that keeps the students engaged during the lesson
  • Time saving
  • A platform that optimizes teaching processes, content creation and testing.


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Our app provides teachers with the tools they need to deliver effective virtual lessons via Zoom. With features like screen sharing, interactive whiteboards, chat, and informative Q&A, attendance, and analytics for teachers
Our app improves engagement and learning outcomes while saving teachers time and the need to assess the class's pace.
Using the different features, teachers can create customized quizzes that can provide them insight on their class’s progress and where & how can they focus their attention to help the students that need it the most

The Team

Oriya Malul
Technological Development
Olga Faktor
UX/UI Design
Ziv Edri
Impact Marketing & Biz. Dev.
Liat Mendelson Honderdors
Product Manager